[Gobernanza-Internet-Paraguay] RV: [IGFmaglist] Call for inputs for CENB IV

Miguel Candia Ibarra mcandia en mre.gov.py
Mar Sep 4 07:09:53 PYT 2018

Abajo y en adjunto, la llamada a contribuir en los trabajos del CENB - IV: "Connecting and Enabling the Next Billions - Fase 4. La misma está abierta hasta el 30 de septiembre.
Quedo a vuestra disposición para cualquier consulta.

Que tengan una excelente jornada!

Miguel Candia Ibarra 
AEIII - MRE / MAG 2018

The call for inputs for the Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion – Phase IV will be open shortly until 30 September.  

The objective for this year CENB IV is to collect concrete stories showcasing how connecting the next billion(s) helps achieve broader Sustainable Development Goals such as: 

SDG 7 – Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all 

SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth 

SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (particular linkage with Internet access) 

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals 

The document attached outlines the expectations for contributions and will be soon published in the IGF website.

This has been a result of several conversations with a broader MAG and non-MAG facilitators: Constance Bommelaer, Christopher Yoo, Paul Rowney, June Parris, Mary Uduma, Renata Aquino, Wisdom Donkor, Timea Suto, Jennifer Chung and Lianna Galstyan. And the valuable support of our consultant Radhika Radhakrishman.

Please help us spread the word in order to receive as many contributions as possible.

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