[Gobernanza-Internet-Paraguay] FW: [IGFmaglist] BPF Local Content - call for input and feedback on 1st draft document

Miguel Candia mcandia en misionparaguay.ch
Lun Nov 27 04:38:22 EST 2017

Apreciadas amigas, Estimado amigos,
Por si desean colaborar.
Saludos cordiales,
Miguel Candia

Dear all,

The BPF on Local content is seeking input and feedback on the first version of its draft output document.

The current draft is available on the link below. Comments can be submitted via the BPF-localcontent mailing list<https://intgovforum.org/mailman/listinfo/bpf-localcontent_intgovforum.org> or directly on the document by Friday 8 December, and will be accommodated in the revised draft.

While you’re invited to comment on all parts of the document, we're particularly looking for input for the section on 'Stakeholder roles and opportunities for action’.

Draft BPF Output:

The BPF has also launched an online questionnaire to collect examples of successful projects and initiatives that aim at
(1) creating or making relevant content available for local Internet users;
(2) enabling local content developers and entrepreneurs to create online content.

Examples can be submitted via the online form: https://goo.gl/forms/swORcnYZBhKerDlE3

For more information and the latest updates, please visit the BPF webpage at https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/bpf-local-content-0

On behalf of the BPF coordinators,

Thank you for your cooperation!


Wim Degezelle
IGF Consultant - BPF on Local Content

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