[Gobernanza-Internet-Paraguay] Fwd: Join the battle to save the internet

maricarmen maricarmen en tedic.org
Mie Jul 12 15:49:24 EDT 2017


-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
Asunto: 	Join the battle to save the internet
Fecha: 	Wed, 12 Jul 2017 13:33:49 +0000
De: 	World Wide Web Foundation <contact en webfoundation.org>
Responder-a:: 	us8-3f02584d4a-5570adc260 en conversation01.mailchimpapp.com
A: 	maricarmen en tedic.org

Join the battle to save the internet
Net neutrality is at risk | TAKE ACTION

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Today we’re joining internet users
across the world to call on the US Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) to abandon its plan to dismantle net neutrality. To stop this
assault on the open internet we all use daily, we need to make our
voices heard by sending a message
to US Congress and the FCC. This is a global issue, so even if you live
outside the US, we’re counting on you to get the word out
on Twitter.


*Give me the context.*
When the FCC reclassified broadband as a Title II telecommunications
service two years ago, it sent a clear signal that internet providers
don’t get to call the shots on what content and applications succeed or
fail online. Net neutrality means that internet service providers must
treat all traffic equally and let users and creators decide what content
thrives. Now, under a new administration, the FCC wants to roll back
these protections.

*What’s at stake?*
Net neutrality not only ensures you can access the content you want,
when you want it; it gives anyone with a connection a platform to have
their voice heard, making the internet critical to free speech. Net
neutrality also underpins innovation as our founder Sir Tim Berners-Lee
argued in the Wall Street Journal
recently, writing: “/Net neutrality allowed me to invent the World Wide
Web without having to ask anyone for permission or pay a fee”/.

If the FCC reverses the 2015 rules, the open internet, along with free
speech and permissionless innovation, will be at risk. We’ll face an
internet where ISPs can exercise their gatekeeping power to throttle the
content of their competitors, give a leg up to wealthy companies, and
block content they disagree with. This would end the internet as we know it.

What’s more, the rest of the world is watching. A decision to kill net
neutrality in the US would send a message to other governments grappling
with net neutrality issues — from Nigeria to India to Indonesia — that
this is the new normal. This fight for net neutrality is a global fight.

*What do we want?*
It’s crucial that the FCC preserves broadband’s classification as a
communication service. Before Title II was in place, cable companies
were able to successfully undermine net neutrality
principles. Title II is the only way we can lock-in enforceable net
neutrality rules and preserve an open internet right now.

*What can I do?*
To join us in fighting for the internet’s future, send a message
to the FCC and Congress and demand that they preserve the FCC’s current
net neutrality protections, and the Title II classification that makes
them enforceable.


/Today is a day of action for net neutrality — with websites, internet
users, and online communities coming together to sound the alarm about
the FCC’s attack on net neutrality. To find out how you can get
involved, go to battleforthenet.com

*You might also like...*


*Video | Sir Tim Berners-Lee stands behind net neutrality*
Inventor of the web outlines what's at stake in today's fight.

Adrian Lovett - incoming CEO

*Web Foundation names Adrian Lovett as new CEO*
Adrian joins us from anti-poverty organisation ONE, and will come on
board on September 4.

Web This Week

*The Web This Week*
Sign up for a weekly rundown of articles our team has been reading,
covering digital equality.




/Copyright © *2017, World Wide Web Foundation, CC BY 4.0

*Our mailing address is:*
World Wide Web Foundation
1110 Vermont Ave.
Washington, D.C. 20005

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