[Gobernanza-Internet-Paraguay] Fwd: [Igfregionals] Call for comments: Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion(s)

Maricarmen Sequera maricarmen en tedic.org
Sab Oct 22 09:04:18 EDT 2016

Si! Cómo?

El 22 de octubre de 2016 6:56:47 GMT-03:00, sandralarrain <sandralarrain en yahoo.com> escribió:
>Estoy d acuerdo
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>-------- Mensaje original --------
>De: Natalia Enciso <natalia.enciso en gmail.com> 
>Fecha: 21/10/2016  12:30  (GMT-04:00) 
>A: Gobernanza-py <gobernanza en listas.cnc.una.py> 
>Asunto: [Gobernanza-Internet-Paraguay] Fwd: [Igfregionals] Call for
>comments: Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion(s) 
>Llamado a comentarios a los IGF nacionales.
>Podríamos hacer un comentario en conjunto?
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Anri VAN DER SPUY <AVANDERSPUY en unog.ch>
>Date: 2016-10-21 7:48 GMT-03:00
>Subject: [Igfregionals] Call for comments: Connecting and Enabling the
>Next Billion(s)
>To: "igfregionals en intgovforum.org" <igfregionals en intgovforum.org>
>Cc: Brian Clarke GUTTERMAN <BGUTTERMAN en unog.ch>, Anri van der Spuy
><anri en avds.consulting>, anri
>Dear NRIs, As you already know, the IGF is currently
>investigating Policy Options for Connecting and Enabling the Next
>Billion(s), which is in its second phase this year (see the outputs
>from Phase I here).   Draft I of Policy Options for Connecting and
>Enabling the Next Billion(s) – Phase II has now been published on the
>IGF’s review platform. It provides a summary of over 40 contributions
>we received in response to our call for input, including from some
>national and regional IGF initiatives (NRIs); for which we are very
>This work has been developed in light of the UN Sustainable Development
>Goals that acknowledge the role of ICTs and the Internet as a
>horizontal enabler for development, or cross-cutting means of
>implementation. Besides a focus on how connectivity can support the
>SDGs, Draft I also focuses on national and regional specificities that
>have to be considered in developing connectivity policies (see, in
>particular, Part B on the review platform for an entire section
>dedicated to these specificities as submitted by some of you). 
>It is also for this reason that we are particularly interested in
>hearing more from you as NRIs. There are two ways in which you can
>continue to contribute to Policy Options for Connecting and Enabling
>the Next Billion(s) – Phase II:if you have not yet done so, by
>submitting original or background input to me, Anri van der Spuy
>(avanderspuy en unog.ch), and Brian Gutterman (bgutterman en unog.ch); orby
>commenting on the IGF’s review platform - and particularly on Part B,
>which is concerned with national and regional specificities.Please note
>that Draft I will be closed for comment on 14 November 2016, whereafter
>comments and other input will be considered and incorporated as far as
>is reasonable to produce Draft II, which will be published before IGF
>2016. We will similarly stop receiving background and original inputs
>on 14 November 2016. For any queries about this IGF initiative, please
>contact me or Brian Gutterman. Thank you again to those of you who have
>already submitted input, and we look forward to receiving more input
>from other NRIs.
>All the best, Anri
>Igfregionals mailing list
>Igfregionals en intgovforum.org
>natalia.enciso en gmail.com
>Gobernanza mailing list
>Gobernanza en listas.cnc.una.py

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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